Sunday 28 March 2010

The Brief

The brief:
- Show the potential of the format
- Research the process used for making the format
- Explore the formats role changing, think about the future of the format
- Be creative & innovative - use a appropriate range of skills and process to show this
- Show how the format can be used, applied & manipulated in new ways
- Content must be about the format itself

- Historical facts
- Technical info
- Info about designers/ artist who have worked with format
- Secondary
- Primary - interviews, questionnaires, museums, galleries,

The Goals:
Highlight your creative thinking, research skills & practical ability

Info must be interesting to the target audience & design industry

I like that the project client is myself, it gives me the opportunity to to undertake something that I want to do and learn about a format. The project should impress and be memorable.

Research Document
- 15-20 page research pdf or bound book
- A VCT essay that links to project
- Final exhibition design outcome

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